Our Portfolio

Tower Lane, Village of Theresa.

Tower Lane, Village of Theresa

The Tower Lane/McArthur Road/Bancroft Road project consisted of the design and construction of a new two-lane rural road which connects Tower Lane to McArthur Road....
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Vir Clar Artesian Heifer Facility

Our client, Vir Clar Farms, desired to expand their heifer facility. Preliminary planning involved mulitple design iterations to find the solution that fit best with...
Westwind Retail Center, Town of Fond du Lac.

Westwind Retail Center, Town of Fond du Lac

From concept through construction, this relatively small site was transformed into a retail strip mall and associated parking lot with an outlot for a future...
Johnson Crossing/Festival Foods/Country Lane Development, City of Fond du Lac.

Johnson Crossing/Festival Foods/Country Lane Development, City of Fond du Lac

Site Planning and Engineering for this 27 acre, Multi-Lot Retail development includes sewer and water service, storm water management, street access and platting. The project...
Eastwind Villas Condominium, City of Fond du Lac.

Eastwind Villas Condominium, City of Fond du Lac

Design of this 54 unit Condominium includes sewer, water and road access to the 27 side by side condominium buildings. The layout of the site...
Blue Sky Green Fields/Cedar Ridge Wind Farms.

Blue Sky Green Fields/Cedar Ridge Wind Farms

J.E. Arthur and Associates is proud to be involved in renewable energy projects. These two wind farms include approximately 130 wind towers and over 100...
Menomonee Street Reconstruction, Village of Theresa.

Menomonee Street Reconstruction, Village of Theresa

Menomonee Street is one of many reconstruction projects that J.E. Arthur has designed and coordinated for municipal clients. This project involved preliminary and final designs,...
Windward Estates, City of Fond du Lac, Town of Taycheedah.

Windward Estates, City of Fond du Lac, Town of Taycheedah

Planning for the Windward Estates development involved complete urban infrastructure design for a 103 lot subdivision (with the exception of about 50 lots within the...
Rolling Hills Subdivision, City of Ripon.

Rolling Hills Subdivision, City of Ripon

Planning for the Rolling Hills development involved complete urban infrastructure design for a 45 lot subdivision while an emphasis was placed on preserving the natural...